Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wet Spring

First my apologies for not posting as often as I usually do, life, holidays and taxes made this April a bear of a month.

Here in the east we are having a very wet and until recent cool spring.  This shouldn't be taken as a complaint, because so far this is a good water year (I hope it keeps going through July).  However with all the rain the stream has put the local rivers at high level some times even unsafe levels to wade.  Keeping me off the water on some days.  On the other hand the fish are healthy and on the bite.  With the weather as it's been I've not gotten out for some dry fly action, but nymphing is producing.

Rather than talking about the flies, technique, and what's been producing I'm going to let the photographs tell the story.


Saturday, April 16, 2011

River Clean-up

Point Mountain section.
Every year Central Jersey TU (my chapter) as well as other NJ TU chapters in association with Musconetcong Watershed Association and South Branch Watershed Association have there annual river clean-up.  This year it was cloudy and cold but once we started to walk the banks of the river we warmed up quite quickly.  The big hauls were several tires, a mattress, and ton of bottles, cans and coffee cups.  It's amazing how every year we manage to pick-up lots of garbage (everyone felt there was less this year).  At least this year there were large items like  shopping carts and washing machines (a good sign). We were out on the Musconetcong river and our group spent four hours cleaning up a 4 mile section of river.  We were lucky, the rains held off until after the clean-up and lunch. 

River Road and Rt. 31 section.

Can and bottle in the clear bags.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Open Day Weekend

Opening day of trout season one can say is no different than any other day on a trout stream. After all the trout and the bugs don't know what day it is, they are in the business of survival and sex. While we also concern ourselves with sex and survival we add rituals help us mark time and remember.

One ritual I and many other anglers partake in is opening day of trout season. Some states have longer close season so trout may reproduce and the young of the year have a fair chance of developing. Whether your streams are closed for three weeks or several months opening day opens the possibilities of trophy trout, socializing with friends, and enjoying nature.

We pass on these traditions and rituals to our offspring sharing experience and memories. Here are some photographs of this years trout opening day weekend. I only guided my oldest son this weekend and didn't wet a line once. With the smiles on his face there was no need.

First cast, eyes on the drift.
Caddis focused on one thing.
"Caddis Porn"
Trout to the net.
Grip and Grin
Grip and Grin take two.
Fish of the day, need I say more.
With all the caddis on the rocks the trout were readily taking a Hare's Ear Nymph and Hare's Ear Winged Wet on the swing.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Costa Presents...Fly Fishing Film Tour hits NYC

For the last four years The Fly Fishing Film Tour has become the fishing entertainment event. The Film Tour is making it's New York City stop on April 6th, 2011 (sorry for the late notice). The tour showcases some of the best independent outdoor film makers. 

The Film Tour will be hosted by Urban Angler in New York, NY at the Helen Mills Theater - 139 West 26th Street (between 6th & 7th Avenue) New York, NY 10001

There will be 90 minutes of fly fishing excitement, drama, and lore.

April 6th, 2010. $20 advance / $25 door. Doors open at 6:45pm, film starts at 7pm.

If your in the city maybe I see you there...

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Some patterns just stand out.

Our streams close for three weeks before the state opener (this year 4/9/11), but I managed to get three hours in before it closed.  I noticed after reviewing my photos for the which pattern was the most effective.  Drum roll...Ice Pheasent Tail Jig. Now credit needs to be given to Johan Klingberg; he taught me the pattern. Many thanks Johan; it's a winner.  I've found it to be a great early season pattern. Here are some photos from that day:

Tie up some I know you'll be glad you did.