Thursday, December 20, 2012

Congratulations! to Fly and Fin on winning the 'Fly Fishing' award.

While I've not posted, while the blog is in limbo, I had to brake the silence.

I found it funny to receive this award since I've not posted in 6 months. I tried to find out something about and if this meant any thing.  I gather it is a start-up and most people who get these are surprised.  It looks like users recommend sites that are fact based.

Here is there "about us" statement: " is a continuously improving project focused on creating a trustworthy 'facts only' based website. Founded by a community who enjoy to learn and who are dedicated to improving their own intelligence, whilst helping the quality of online factual content progress".


Because is a project designed to improve the quality of online factual content, we want to promote and encourage this on other websites too! was awarded for one or more of the following reasons:
  • Accurate and precise informational content.
  • Interesting and inviting layout and/or writing style.
  • Reliable source for trustworthy content.
  • Unique and entertaining information.

If any one has more info let me know, for now I'm posting as entertainment.