Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy Birthday - Fly and Fin

Well today is Fly and Fin's Birthday.  Two years ago I started the blog with a posting of my CDC Little Black Stone fly pattern. 

I've managed to keep it going. Sometimes posting a lot, and sometimes a little.

I have to recognize the The Jersey Angler , because we both compete with each other.  Who catches the first, largest, most fish and so on.  So, when he started his blog, I had to cast my line into the blogger-sphere.

I keep on posting as long as it's fun and people comment.

Thanks for reading and sharing.


A.K.A. Fly and Fin


  1. Congrats on hitting two years. You have a great blog and I hope you keep going with it!

  2. Congrats, and a pleasrue to meet you at the show this weekend.
